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I'd love to help you get vulnerable.
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Let's get naked.
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Hey everyone, I'm Anne.
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Welcome to the let's Get Naked podcast, where we deep dive into vulnerability.
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Today is a little bit different in that we are pretty freeform, based on our guests that are here, and we're not really going to have a set topic that we talk about.
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We are just going to have basically an hour long shit show, so we're going to dive right in Today.
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Joining me back by popular demand, is my brother Brennan and his wife Caitlin, and then they've brought down my cousin Amy from Colorado as well.
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Ta-da, yeah.
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And so we're all going to be telling stories about our childhoods.
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Growing up, difference in parenting we thought that was a pretty funny concept as far as the differences between our parents and their generation, our parenting that we did, our children and their parenting.
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So we're going to kind of dive into some of that.
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Other things that we're going to talk about are the similarities between Brennan and my and our siblings as they tie into the best Christmas pageant ever For those that have either seen the book or seen the movie or read the book.
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We kind of find some pretty funny correlations between that, and so we're going to tell some of those stories.
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Yeah, it's going to be pretty off the cuff today, so please forgive me in advance.
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Welcome to the show, you guys, thank you.
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Thank you for having me Thank you for letting us get naked with you, yeah.
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I would love for you to take those fucking costumes off, right now?
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No, don't know.
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You can say whatever you want.
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Please don't encourage him.
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We use all the words and all the things I'm wearing underwear today, so I can take it off, oh Jesus.
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So to just give everyone at home a little bit of a detail into where Amy fits in Brennan and my mom her sister is Amy's mom, and so Amy is a decade plus old.
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My mom was the oldest sister.
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So she had a different perspective on our childhood, which know amy and I have gotten closer.
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Amy has gotten closer with us later in life just because I think, when we were younger, who would want to hang out with someone that's 13 years younger than you are?
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and I would say that was the least of why she didn't want to hang out with you well, and we'll, and we'll get into that as well, uh, but I absolutely adore amy.
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she's probably the funniest person I know on the planet and just is willing to say all the things, and we thought that would be fun to have her on, so no pressure.
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You'll probably regret that.
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Regret that exactly, but she does.
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She has a fun perspective on Brennan and my upbringing and with the rest of our siblings, and when we get together and start telling stories it's outrageous, it's just absolutely outrageous.
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So, barbara, I'm going to kick it over to you.
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Maybe you can tell me where you think this would be fun to start for some of the, some of the context for things, so that people that don't know us are listening.
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For our listeners at home, I call Caitlin Barbara Walters because she's so good at the questions and always remembering who's in what order, birth wise, and every time we get together we always have to do a little bit of a recap on where were you and where was this and who's older and whatever, and Caitlin always remembers.
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So I call her Barbara, oh, I love.
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I did not know who the Herdmans were when.
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When I fell into this trap and recently, uh, ann bought us the book and sent it home, cause we have four children, there were five of them, um, so we're a little less crazy thankfully because we don't have Brennan, um, but the Herdmans were the worst children in the history of the earth.
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That's one of the very first lines of the book, if not the first line and they were just these ragtag, dirty, poor, rotten children that just pretty much ruined everything.
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And then they end up going to church because they heard there were snacks.
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They take over the Christmas pageant by threatening all the other people, and the story behind it is pretty awesome.
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So when we read the story, it was fun.
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It was in the movie, it was in the theaters.
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This past Christmas we went and saw it a few times and, as we've talked about as adults, anne has then realized that they were most likely the Herdmans.
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So it's been really fun to then tie that all together If we had both of them on that, I would say yes, amy.
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So it's been really fun to then tie that all together.
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If we had voted on that, I would say yes, amy's definitely one of the main sources that confirmed it for me, because I obviously didn't have a seat at that table then, because you would have bullied me, all of you, but Amy was front row for all of it.
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That I was yes, yes, yes.
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Amy used to babysit us as children, and so some of the stories that she has told we were feral, I mean, and as I've started to open Pandora's box with my memory and things are coming out.
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I'm like, oh my God, we were the Herdmans.
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I mean we just if you think about our upbringing.
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I know you don't remember South Dakota, brennan, but we grew up on a farm that had lots of acreage and space in between.
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We were seven miles away from town and feral, just feral children.
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And so then when we moved to Denver, I was nine and my mom's two sisters lived in Denver, so that would have been Amy's mom, and then also another aunt, and I remember stories about them.
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There was one time where we went to church with.
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It was like Sunday mass or Christmas mass or something, and I can't even imagine what your, your mom and aunt Janice would have been thinking.
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But we got home and they had called to say like thanks for coming to church or whatever, and it was on a three-way call and they hung up or like thought they hung up and they were literally just bashing.
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And this is on the answering machine right, and this is on the answering machine back when you know for those that are not old enough to even realize what the hell that is we used to have boxes that were plugged into the wall that you'd have to call and leave a message for someone, and so they were literally talking about what terrible children we were and how misbehaved we were.
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And I thought I picked up the phone and I called them back.
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I called Aunt Janice back and she's like well, let me get Aunt Janelle on the phone and I, like I do, I remember like tearing into her because I was defending my mom, and I look back at that and I think if I were a parent, looking at what we brought to the table, I would have been with everything and we were not allowed to like we couldn't have a mess.
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Everything had a place.
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I remember dusting and my mom would come along and say that goes like this.
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I'm like, oh well, that's changing the world, just like that.
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Very sterile and in our upbringing.
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And then these guys came along and I'm like just standing there looking at like dust would literally fly when you guys would come into the town and it was like, oh God, here they come.
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And I was tasked with taking care of these kids and was told keep those kids quiet.
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And I'm like, well, okay, there's gasoline out in the shed.
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I don't know what else we could do.
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So the memories I have of just trying to keep everybody quiet and not bring dirt in the house.
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I remember my mom put food out on the patio because your parents were late and just stood there behind the curtain and then she took to her sickbed and I'm like, well, now I have to clean that up.
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It was just like a constant state of, and it would go on all day.
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I felt like you guys got there at like 6.15 in the morning and you didn't leave until like 9.30 at night and I was like, my God, I haven't even peed all day.
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And I have a question.
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Yes, you've referred to your mother's sickbed multiple times today.
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Oh yeah, your mother's sickbed.
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Yeah, what does that mean?
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That's what I wanted to know Like did she have a different bedroom than her sickbed?
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No that was her bedroom but I, like she didn't, everything was I can't take it.
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I can't.
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I just can't do this right now.
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And you know, my sister was always gone, my brother was doing whatever and there I was.
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I tried to be quiet and not cause problems.
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I loved being by myself.
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And then, you know, these guys would pull in and it was just feral, feral children, feral Like with just Nancy?
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was it feral?
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Yes, and did the ferality increase as the children increased.
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I remember when Nancy cut her bangs off who did?
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And Nancy cut the widow's peak out of her head.
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And I'm looking at this you know she has a wound, which we all know.
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I love wounds.
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But I'm looking at like, where did she get the scissors?
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I don't know.
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I think they're my sewing scissors and I'm like the viscars with the.
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You know, what else did she cut?
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And then I think Maureen did it too.
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I'm like, well, you didn't learn the first time?
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I'm not allowed to touch the scissors.
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Why is she touching the scissors?
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And I was like, please don't go into my mom's sewing room because I'll die.
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That's too much to clean up.
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Yeah, so there was a lot there was just a lot of angst.
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Well, and once you realize, once you realize, like for me when I realized a couple of years ago, and it was almost like a slap in the face of like holy shit, we were the Herdmans and and growing up we would read that book every year for christmas and we would laugh, and we would laugh, and we would laugh.
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I had no fucking idea that that was us right that that was us.
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But when you, when you look at that, when you look at holy shit, and then you think about the different people that you interacted with, because, like aunt mary and uncle pat, you know all of the different people that you interacted with, because, like Aunt Mary and Uncle Pat, you know all of the different people that we went around to look, you start putting together some pieces that maybe you didn't realize when you were a child, that you realize as an adult, and Farrell doesn't begin to even describe it.
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You know, I mean, I just I don't even know what to say.
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Well, I think a lot of that too is like where we grew up was.
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You know, I don't even know what to say.
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Well, I think a lot of that too is like where we grew up was.
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You know, it didn't matter if you were a serial killer, as long as you got the mess cleaned up by noon and made it to church, it was fine, and that's how your mom and dad lived.
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I mean, it was you know.
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I remember Uncle Tom pulls in and there's the wheels falling off of the truck or something, and you know he hit something on the road and, well, we got to go to church.
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Okay, then we all you know, piled in the car, another car.
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I'm like all the way thinking is the other wheel going to fall off?
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And I'm going to die with these kids in the back of this car and they're probably, probably gonna eat me alive and that'll be it.
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That'll be the end of my story how much did you precede them to move to Colorado, like what?
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How old when you got to leave the babysitting trauma?
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How old were you when you guys moved to Colorado?
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uh, I was 15 um, and I had my 16th birthday, uh, in september.
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So I went from a town with 87 people in it to starting my junior year at cherry creek high school with over 3 000 kids, and all I could think of was thank god, I got out of nebr.
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And then how long after that did you get Like 10 years?
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How long was the gap?
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Well, so Amy and I have 13 years between us, so seven years later we would have moved to Colorado.
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Yeah, the stories that you tell about babysitting us.
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We were sitting around last night For our listeners at home.
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We were sitting around last night just telling stories about Maureen, who is our next oldest sister, climbing the curtains.
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That's my favorite.
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That's my favorite story too.
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I'm glad you can rejoice in that.
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Well, and how old was Maureen when that happened?
00:13:04.081 --> 00:13:05.124
Probably two.
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Will you tell the story for those of us that don't haven't heard it?
00:13:08.240 --> 00:13:10.905
yes, because my mother had these.
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First of all, we weren't allowed to touch the walls, so the messes stayed outside.
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And, uh, my mother had these series of curtains that were like layer upon layer upon layer, and they all had their own mechanism that you, you know, pulled and they were very sturdy.
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So I'm watching, uh, oh, and I believe Nancy had just climbed up the outside of the steps and got her legs caught in the banister.
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So I'm like, okay, where's the mayonnaise?
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Because that's what my mom used to use on me to get my fat legs out from between the whatever those are called, the balusters or whatever.
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Like by pulling you in.
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Come on, there's mayonnaise in the kitchen.
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I was like flipped backwards, because every time I wanted to see how high I could go.
00:14:01.231 --> 00:14:06.186
And then I'm like, oh, I'm getting scared, so I just shoved my fat thigh in there.
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And then I'm like, oh, I'm an acrobat, I'd lay backwards until the blood would run to my head, and then there was a couple times I probably passed out, but anyway.
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So Nancy, I think had seen me do that, so she's doing that.
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And Maureen is now climbing up the series of drapes using her muddy feet on the walls and I'm like, oh no.
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So I go over to where the drapes are.
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She had climbed on the top and is laying on her stomach with her leg hanging down, and I'm like, oh, I've got to get her off there.
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What do I do?
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So I was holding on to the drapes, like, flicking the drapes, trying to get her down, and she's just like smiling at me like you're gonna die, were you planning to like flick her off?
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and yeah, I didn't know, I just wanted her off.
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My big worry was that she was going to pull the curtain rod out and then, oh, then I'm really screwed because we had plaster I think I don't know could have been paneling, who knows whatever.
00:15:01.265 --> 00:15:06.092
Mayonnaise comes off quickly often, but yeah, that was a good time.
00:15:09.961 --> 00:15:21.950
Amy tells stories about us coming or her having to come along on vacation, getting talked into coming along to help babysit us kids, and there was a big enough gap where I can't even imagine.
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I liken it to Marines kids and the idea of all four of them coming and just being completely feral is like, oh my god, you know, I can imagine that that's what that would feel like well, and it was always presented to me as oh, you're gonna have so much fun, you're gonna have so much fun.
00:15:39.543 --> 00:15:43.730
Uh, uncle Tom and Aunt Mary are going on vacation to the Black Hills.
00:15:43.730 --> 00:15:47.235
I'm like, oh okay, oh, they'd like you to come along.
00:15:47.235 --> 00:15:50.307
Fantastic, great.
00:15:50.307 --> 00:16:03.104
Now I'm stuck in a hotel room with these children while Uncle Tom and Aunt Mary are just going out to have time by themselves, and then I got locked in the bathroom with a sweaty door.
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I finally was able to take a shower and I think it was either you or Maureen had puked and I was tasked with cleaning that up, and I was pretty sure none of you knew how to chew your food.
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Because there were chunks that you know were staying in a hotel.
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I think it was a hotel.
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It could have been a hostel at that, I don't know but yeah.
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So all I wanted to do was take a shower, and then I got locked in the bathroom because the door swelled up and had to be rescued by a fireman while your mother was berating your father why he couldn't get the door off.
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So that was a good time too.
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Good times, good times.
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I love when Amy says like I got invited along for some light babysitting and then it was, and what a dumbass, I kept doing it.
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That's on you.
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Yeah, stupid, that's on you if you don't know how that stuff works Well.
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The best one was the.
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I would like Aunt Mary would like you to come and help her.
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Can peaches?
00:16:55.413 --> 00:16:55.774
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And I think the house had burned down or something, so you were living in a basement dwelling, so that was before you Were you born when the trailer burned.
00:17:05.058 --> 00:17:05.740
I don't know the answer to that.
00:17:05.740 --> 00:17:07.213
I think that was between Maureen and you.
00:17:07.213 --> 00:17:09.227
I think so too, you lived in the basement house.
00:17:09.287 --> 00:17:20.358
I did live in the basement house and again you don't know you're not normal until you start comparing stories with other people and then it's kind of like that's not.
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There's not a me too situation in any of my upbringing with any of my friends talking about theirs, just so everyone knows everyone's not like same these you mean no one else almost nobody else has a kitchen in their basement no, and I had an opportunity a couple months ago.
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I was up north on this retreat and I was hanging out with this one gal and we were talking about different stories about growing up and everything that I would say.
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They would be like oh my god, I'm so sorry and I'm like no is that not right?
00:17:48.653 --> 00:18:00.461
And then I started unpacking it and putting it in the perspective of like the girls, and would that be okay with me if the, if that was happening to girls and I'm thinking, oh my god, this is not great at all.
00:18:00.942 --> 00:18:10.746
So I understand the herdman's component of that evolution of parenting is so funny because lauren and I were just talking just a little bit ago about the like, the change in I think it was car seats or something like.
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My oldest brother is almost 60 and my dad talks about his car seat being like essentially a five gallon bucket that hooks that went over the seat and then holes for his legs.
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Like it wasn't for safety, right, it was.
00:18:20.825 --> 00:18:23.068
You're gonna just sit there so I can drive and not worry about you.
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It had nothing to do with anything else, but that's how everyone parented.
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Like yeah, yeah, that's a car seat, right you didn't have that.
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Well, maureen used to lay in that.
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We were talking about that, where she would lay in the back window.
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Amy was talking about her getting sunburned, because mom's, like she's fine.
00:18:39.140 --> 00:18:51.315
I mean, there wasn't any of that she drove or she was in the back of that huge like just laying up there all the way from your house to my house, which was what?
00:18:51.315 --> 00:18:54.836
40 some miles, Just baking in the sun.
00:18:54.836 --> 00:18:58.272
Yeah, oh, she'll wake up in a little bit With a sunburn.
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Roll over and roast the other side.
00:19:00.898 --> 00:19:01.340
Who was?
00:19:01.401 --> 00:19:03.608
the most verbal of all of them.
00:19:03.608 --> 00:19:05.682
Ooh, who was the most verbal of all?
00:19:05.701 --> 00:19:08.286
of them.
00:19:08.286 --> 00:19:12.993
I really didn't have a lot to do, I mean, because we had moved by then.
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So I guess when you guys came to Denver, I didn't really, I mean you were kind of out on your own thing happening and like like I knew you a little bit.
00:19:26.651 --> 00:19:30.060
Um, keith was loud, but I didn't really.
00:19:30.060 --> 00:19:37.540
I kind of learned at that point to stay away, you learned finally after how many years I finally got it.
00:19:38.242 --> 00:19:40.425
yeah, I didn't, I know.
00:19:40.425 --> 00:19:47.227
Nancy was um, she was not loud, she just was always doing something.
00:19:47.227 --> 00:19:55.968
And then Maureen was probably Maureen, she would make noises, and I mean, at least I knew where she was.
00:19:58.525 --> 00:20:01.746
She was a lot, maureen, and God bless her.
00:20:01.746 --> 00:20:05.145
Because literally amazing, but she was a lot, and she marched to the beat of her.
00:20:05.145 --> 00:20:08.829
Because literally amazing, but she was a lot, and she marched to the beat of her own drummer always.
00:20:08.829 --> 00:20:28.540
You know, that was one of the things that was very different for me is I, when we moved to Colorado, it was very important to me to fit in, and so I would go to extremes to be able to fit in and not stand out, but she was just completely content to march to the beat of her own drummer.
00:20:28.961 --> 00:20:30.645
And I think about even our time there.
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We would go play.
00:20:31.528 --> 00:20:44.207
We would go play football at the park no pads, full tackle, maureen and I with the boys, and we would get picked first when we were doing schoolhouse picks, you know, because Maureen and I would.
00:20:44.207 --> 00:20:46.092
It was savage shit.
00:20:46.092 --> 00:20:50.382
And so I look back at that and I think these are not like oh, look at this cute girl in the whatever.
00:20:50.382 --> 00:20:59.266
You wonder why I ended up in construction and why I'm dead inside and why I don't have the feminine balance of whatever.
00:21:00.319 --> 00:21:10.680
I wasn't dealt that, I wasn't given that, see, and I was told don't beat up on the boys, because then they won't want to date you Lucky.
00:21:10.720 --> 00:21:12.185
You can't be bigger than them.
00:21:12.819 --> 00:21:16.351
You can't be stronger than them, because then they won't want to date you.
00:21:18.702 --> 00:21:47.755
Yeah, one of the topics for that we talk about a lot is our parents dealt to us an offensive amount of shame because of how they were raised, and so when amy talks about the, the things that you're saying as far as like don't do this or do this, or making sure that you fit into whatever this mold is, I look back at that and I just think shame is like the absolute worst, especially the shame associated with stuff that people weren't educated on anyway.
00:21:47.859 --> 00:21:51.223
And then choices or decisions are made and then the consequence of it.
00:21:51.223 --> 00:21:56.069
That's what you need to feel shame for, but you weren't educated on what got you to that place in the first place.
00:21:56.259 --> 00:21:57.164
Yeah, but think about that.
00:21:57.164 --> 00:22:02.012
We look at the technology and the information that we have at our fingertips.
00:22:02.012 --> 00:22:03.765
Our parents didn't have that.
00:22:03.765 --> 00:22:04.929
They didn't have the internet.
00:22:04.929 --> 00:22:12.299
They didn't have like, if you wanted knowledge, you had to know someone that had either tried it or heard something and was willing to talk about it.
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And was willing to talk about it, which was not a big thing back then.
00:22:15.369 --> 00:22:18.107
And so you look at all of the things where nowadays we go.
00:22:18.107 --> 00:22:19.412
How is that even possible?
00:22:19.412 --> 00:22:35.987
You know, one of the things that we were talking about is all of this teenage pregnancy that was happening in this high school in Colorado, where people would get shipped off to to have babies and then go home like nothing happened and no one would talk about it and it happened.
00:22:36.047 --> 00:22:36.910
I mean All the time.
00:22:36.910 --> 00:22:41.204
Even in our small group we have a decent number of people that were there A handful of people that that happened to.
00:22:41.204 --> 00:22:58.050
And then you talk to other people and they're like everyone knows someone that got pregnant in high school and was shipped off somewhere else to have their baby, and then come back like oh, when you look at the shame associated with that, if you don't process that and deal with that, you're carrying that around all the way, all the way through.
00:23:00.240 --> 00:23:01.382
That doesn't just go away.
00:23:01.382 --> 00:23:26.653
There's a lot of shit associated with that for me that I look at and I think I was raised with a ton of shame and being able to go back and ask mom you know, when we come up to Colorado and we sit and we just talk about things, I'm fascinated Because the things that she tells me about how she was raised by her dad and her mom with you're not allowed to wear shorts and don't show your legs and we don't act that way.
00:23:26.653 --> 00:23:29.807
And then the shame component of the organized religion.
00:23:29.807 --> 00:23:31.010
That came into that as well.
00:23:31.010 --> 00:23:37.230
That's obviously a big thing and Amy and I have talked about that when we knew that that doesn't fit for us.