March 6, 2025

The Gripping Reality of Cancer: Stories and Insights

In this episode, Mel, a breast cancer survivor, shares her deeply personal and transformative journey through diagnosis, treatment, and life after cancer. We explore the uncertainty, emotional strain, and physical toll, while also uncovering the unexpected gifts that emerge from vulnerability.

Mel opens up about the impact on her identity and relationships, the fear of recurrence, and the pressure of survivorship highlighting the power of support, community, and asking for help.

Through raw conversation and personal insight, we’re reminded that growth comes from leaning into discomfort. Join us as we embrace vulnerability, connection, and the beauty of living authentically, where every moment and every story matters. Subscribe and follow along on this healing journey.


00:00 - Introduction to the Journey

03:00 - The Reality of Diagnosis

10:30 - The Toll of Treatment

20:00 - Navigating Emotional Strain

35:00 - Supporting Each Other Through Tough Times

50:00 - Finding Purpose Post

01:05:00 - The Power of Vulnerability

01:20:00 - Building Connections as Survivors

01:30:00 - Closing Thoughts and Calls to Action



00:00:07.171 --> 00:00:08.913
I'd love to help you get vulnerable.

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Let's get naked.

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Hey everyone, I'm Ann.

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Welcome to the let's Get Naked podcast, where we dive deep into vulnerability.

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In this space, we'll explore what triggers us, uncover the patterns holding us back and discover how to take charge of our own growth.

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If you're ready to dig in, be vulnerable and face the tough stuff, then buckle up.

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It's time to get naked.

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Today, we're going to be speaking about cancer.

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Cancer is one of the most brutal, unforgiving and devastating diseases that robs people of their health, their time and sometimes their very essence.

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It doesn't care about age, gender, their very essence.

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It doesn't care about age, gender or dreams.

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It doesn't discriminate.

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One day you're going about your life and the next you're staring down the terrifying reality of an illness that feels like it's slowly eating away at everything you thought you knew about your body, your future and your world.

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It starts with that moment of diagnosis when your world comes crashing down, a single word that sends you spiraling into a whirlwind of confusion, fear and disbelief.

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No one is ever prepared for that moment.

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It's like everything you've worked for, everything you've built up in your life, doesn't matter anymore, because suddenly your fight isn't about career or family or future plans.

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It's about surviving, about getting through the next day, hour, minute.

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And then it becomes a full-time job Doctor's appointments, treatments, endless tests and a constant battle with your own body as it either succumbs or fights back.

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The physical toll is gut-wrenching.

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Chemotherapy, radiation surgeries these treatments don't just try to kill the cancer.

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They obliterate your health in ways that leave you feeling like a shell of the person you once were.

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Your body becomes a battlefield ravaged by the very things meant to save you.

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You lose your hair, your energy, your sense of self.

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Sometimes you lose parts of your body or your ability to do things that once felt so simple.

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You're constantly fighting against something that feels both inside of you and entirely out of your control.

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But it's not just the physical destruction.

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It's the mental and emotional strain that no one talks about enough, the loneliness, the isolation, the crushing weight of wondering if you're going to survive or, worse, how you're going to survive after treatment ends, because cancer doesn't just stop hurting you once the chemo is over.

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There's the fear of recurrence that haunts your every day.

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There's the grief of what you've lost, not just your health, but sometimes relationships, opportunities and pieces of yourself, and that can feel like a second wave of trauma, one that no one warned you about.

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Cancer doesn't just affect the people diagnosed.

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It affects everyone around them Families become caregivers, friends become strangers as they struggle to find the right words to offer support, and loved ones are often forced to face the uncomfortable reality of mortality.

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It doesn't just disrupt your life.

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It changes the very fabric of your relationships, your social circle, your community.

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People may try to comfort you, but no one truly understands what it feels like unless they've lived through it.

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And let's not even get started on the financial devastation Medical bills pile up, insurance doesn't cover everything, you lose time at work, you struggle to stay afloat, and on top of the emotional toll, there's this crushing weight of debt and uncertainty about the future, which can feel even more suffocating than the illness itself.

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Cancer is a thief.

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It steals from you in ways that no one fully realizes until it's happening.

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It steals your peace of mind, it steals your plans for the future, it steals parts of your body, your identity, your sense of security.

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But most cruelly, it steals time, the time you thought you had, time with family, time to chase dreams, time to live the life you imagined.

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And yet, in the midst of all this.

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Survivors rise, they fight, they pick up the pieces, even when everything feels shattered.

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But that doesn't mean the scars physical, emotional and psychological go away.

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They stay.

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They change you.

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Cancer may take a lot, but survivors are living proof that it doesn't take everything.

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We hold on, fight back and keep going.

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But it's a journey filled with suffering that shouldn't have to be this way.

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Cancer is messed up, it's ruthless and it hurts in ways that can't be quantified.

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It's a war no one should have to fight.

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Yet it is fought every day by so many who deserve a world without it.

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Today we are stripping it all off with Mel June.

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Mel is a breast cancer survivor, author of the book Live Anyway and founder of a woman's business network called the Burkana.

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She also helps young women embark on their business journeys and started a nonprofit also named Live Anyway.

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Welcome to the show, mel, thank you.

00:04:57.565 --> 00:04:59.031
Thank you Absolutely.

00:04:59.031 --> 00:05:11.853
I'd love to just dive in and start talking about kind of what your journey with breast cancer was, talk about how old you were and kind of a little bit of the overview of how that went down.

00:05:12.160 --> 00:05:13.403
Yeah, I would love to.

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I was diagnosed just about three years ago last month actually, okay and I found a lump on my underneath my left breast, really actually far into my side, underneath my left breast, really actually far into my side and as soon as I found the lump I just had this gut feeling that it was cancer.

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I had lost my aunt to breast cancer.

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So I already kind of had that on my radar and I went to the doctor, got tests just the week after Thanksgiving and it was confirmed that it was a stage 2 triple negative breast cancer.

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So about a month later I had a bilateral mastectomy.

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A couple weeks after that I had my first reconstruction surgery and then I went through eight rounds of chemo, another reconstruction surgery, a whole host of things in the year following.

00:06:00.338 --> 00:06:01.238
Wow, yeah.

00:06:05.261 --> 00:06:05.762
What does that you?

00:06:05.762 --> 00:06:06.625
May I ask, how old you are?

00:06:06.644 --> 00:06:06.925
I'm 41.

00:06:06.925 --> 00:06:07.447
Okay, so in your 30s.

00:06:07.708 --> 00:06:08.531
Okay, 38.

00:06:08.531 --> 00:06:09.420
Wow, that's young.

00:06:09.420 --> 00:06:13.492
Yeah, was your aunt young when she also was diagnosed, or was that she was?

00:06:13.492 --> 00:06:14.682
Okay, yeah in her 40s.

00:06:14.682 --> 00:06:22.043
Okay, yeah, my mom was diagnosed for the first time when she was in her early 40s and then she's had it a couple of times since then.

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But I think when you're so young, it's almost like how can this even be a thing?

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38 is really really young to have cancer.

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For sure.

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I mean, I actually found my first lump was a swollen lymph node on my right side at 37.

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And I had to really fight to get my first mammogram that young, and so when I went and we found out that it wasn't cancer, it was a swollen lymph node, it still kind of introduced me to the whole experience of what that was, and it is just a scary process.

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We've all known somebody who had breast cancer.

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I think the hardest part since is that there's always a story that I'm getting, probably daily, of either somebody who had it and then passed, somebody who had it and then it recurred, you know.

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So it really is one of those things that it really just doesn't ever go away.

00:07:14.190 --> 00:07:22.372
Right, right, it will be something that you deal with forever, Because do you feel like you know in my intro a little bit we're talking about, then you worry about that all the time.

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You know it's's like is that going to come back?

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Is that something that that you deal with pretty heavy?

00:07:33.069 --> 00:07:33.790
Yeah, I mean my first.

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Every time I go in to get blood work, it feels like the very first time after finishing chemo.

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It just never feels comfortable, but it it's more than that.

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It's almost like after I was done with treatment.

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I became so zealous like I was running out of time, like, okay, I've done with treatment.

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I became so zealous Like I was running out of time, like okay, I've got this next shot.

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Before it comes back, I've got to get this done.

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To get this done, you know really like hitting life extra hard in order to get it all done before I died.

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And that really just hit me in the last few months where it was like I can't.

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I can't keep living that way because I'm actually going to kill myself doing that.

00:08:10.108 --> 00:08:13.545
Right, exactly Like pump the brakes a little bit yeah just take a pause.

00:08:13.625 --> 00:08:22.048
Yeah, and I think, remembering the pause that I took during chemo, I mean so often that was the first time I ever rested.

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That was the first time I ever took my phone off.

00:08:24.221 --> 00:08:25.264
Yeah, that was the first time I ever asked for help.

00:08:25.264 --> 00:08:26.348
Right, that was the first time I ever rested.

00:08:26.348 --> 00:08:27.612
That was the first time I ever took my phone off.

00:08:27.612 --> 00:08:28.757
Yeah, that was the first time I ever asked for help.

00:08:28.757 --> 00:08:34.090
Right, that was the first time I ever really reached out to my community and and expressed that I was struggling.

00:08:34.090 --> 00:08:51.986
Yeah, and so really it was a reminder over the last couple of months that while I'm building a new business and a nonprofit and trying to sell a book and trying to get out there in the world and give my message, it was like why, all of a sudden, am I going back to what I was doing before I was diagnosed and trying to tackle all of this stuff on my own again?

00:08:51.986 --> 00:08:53.551
Right, so it's always.

00:08:53.551 --> 00:09:07.033
It can be a beautiful reminder also that we're not in this alone, right, we don't have to be, that we can work with one another and support one another in meaningful ways if we just are vulnerable about saying what we need.

00:09:07.480 --> 00:09:07.802
It is.

00:09:07.802 --> 00:09:15.947
It is all about vulnerability and as soon as you were talking about asking for help, that was something that I was dealing with recently, where it's like why is it so hard for us to ask for help?

00:09:15.947 --> 00:09:22.589
It shouldn't, especially in the moment where you're diagnosed with cancer and really should be able to lean on people.

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Why is it still something that we struggle with so much to be able to ask?

00:09:27.556 --> 00:09:27.899
for that I agree.

00:09:27.899 --> 00:10:10.671
I mean, I think, for so many women especially and I can only speak for women as a woman but I think that we're doing a lot of what our grandmothers weren't allowed to do, but also not relinquishing control about what they were obligated to do and be, and so, because we're carrying so many roles, we're not really empowering ourselves with letting go and releasing the things that don't energize us and that don't fulfill us and that, you know, getting help around the house, getting help with work, getting help in all these different aspects of our lives feels in some way like we're failing if we're not doing it on our own.

00:10:10.671 --> 00:10:11.232
It does.

00:10:11.493 --> 00:10:15.631
It does and it's so funny because I've looked back and thought where does that come from?

00:10:15.631 --> 00:10:27.863
Where does it come from where we do feel like we're failing, because when you help someone else or when you allow someone to help you, it feels so good in being able to just be in community with someone else.

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Being able to have that opportunity to help someone else feel so good.

00:10:31.857 --> 00:10:34.774
So why are we robbing other people of the opportunity to help us?

00:10:34.934 --> 00:10:35.216

00:10:35.216 --> 00:11:01.394
I mean, I think expectations play a big role in this in a massive way, and one of the things I talk about in the book is caregiving, and I say, instead of putting all the expectation on one person to be your caregiver, identify a few different ones and I identify at least six different caregiver roles and ask different people or organizations or volunteers to maybe assume that role with you and support you in a very specific way.

00:11:01.394 --> 00:11:16.094
It empowers people to show up in a really meaningful way and exactly the way that you need them to, and also it it negates the the chances that you're really imposing a lot of grief and hardship and responsibility on any one person, just one person.

00:11:16.134 --> 00:11:16.777
Yeah, I've.

00:11:16.777 --> 00:11:25.083
I've watched that in my in my life actually, and some other people that are close to me that have dealt with cancer in their family and they really had to step up and take that role.

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And you look at what the devastation is for that person.

00:11:28.352 --> 00:11:40.442
You know, you're just going along one day and and you find out, you know that someone has cancer and then all of a sudden your whole life is twisted upside down because obviously that's the most important thing for you to do, but in doing that, like what's the cost?

00:11:43.710 --> 00:11:47.177
So that's genius of you to have it spread that out a little bit so that it's not any one person Exactly it's getting.

00:11:47.177 --> 00:11:56.432
Help is the number one, yeah, and the first thing is also learning what it is that you need to receive as help, you know, and then communicating that, because there's also another.

00:11:56.432 --> 00:12:00.482
I probably had a one delivery every three or four days of soup.

00:12:00.482 --> 00:12:12.971
Right, it was so beautiful and so kind, but, like there's so many other ways to support and to get involved in, maybe just asking yeah, how can I support?

00:12:13.013 --> 00:12:14.878
you is a really powerful question.

00:12:14.878 --> 00:12:15.279
It is.

00:12:15.279 --> 00:12:23.793
It is I've found that in my life of what does support look like for you, you know, for me to be able to bring to you, because I don't know what that is and I'm tired of guessing.

00:12:23.854 --> 00:12:28.734
I'm a shitty guesser and sometimes, and sometimes even as the patient, we're figuring that out too.

00:12:28.734 --> 00:12:37.030
I mean, I spent months watching my family fall and trip all over themselves trying to figure out how to support me because I didn't know what to ask for and they didn't know what to do.

00:12:37.030 --> 00:12:41.940
And even around the office, you know, nobody knew how to support me in a really meaningful way.

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And I also didn't know how to ask for help, because I was the one in the office that was tasked with the person that would do those things.

00:12:47.893 --> 00:13:02.894
Right, right, so it really did shift the dynamic on its head, but that really forced me to take, you know, a toll, like really to fix that yeah, to say okay, I just have to take one giant step back and figure out what it is that I need.

00:13:02.894 --> 00:13:06.038
And then, slowly, it started to transform.

00:13:06.639 --> 00:13:11.840
Yeah, I think also, you know, being able to take that step back and allow other people to come in.

00:13:11.840 --> 00:13:21.419
There was something that I heard recently where it was talking about the bigger the issue, the less you need to say as the person that's bringing support Let me just come sit, let me just come sit and be with you.

00:13:21.419 --> 00:13:26.236
You know, I think a lot of times people don't get involved when other people need help because they think I don't know what to say.

00:13:26.236 --> 00:13:28.918
I don't want to say the wrong thing, I don't want to whatever.

00:13:28.918 --> 00:13:37.595
But if someone just came to you and said, mel, can I just come over and let's just snuggle up and watch a movie, or can I just be with you, you know, or whatever that looks like, don't have to.

00:13:37.595 --> 00:13:40.219
It doesn't matter that you don't know what to say.

00:13:40.219 --> 00:13:42.660
You don't have to just hold space for someone, totally.

00:13:43.142 --> 00:13:56.471
So I have one of the caregiver roles is actually the awkward avoider, which is that person that doesn't know what to do with your diagnosis and is a little bit awkward and uncomfortable around it, and they're actually tasked with the responsibility of just pretending like it doesn't exist.

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When I ask for us to go out, let's just do it.

00:13:59.216 --> 00:14:02.965
Another big way was being supportive to my family.

00:14:02.965 --> 00:14:28.279
I tasked certain people in my friend group and at work and my family to support my older daughter, to support my younger kids, to support my husband, to support, you know, meet my role in the office, and that relinquished a lot of stress on my end because I knew there was somebody checking in every day with my kids, you know, and with my system of support, so I didn't feel as bad when I needed something.

00:14:28.320 --> 00:14:30.897
Yeah, and then you can just focus on healing you Exactly.

00:14:30.897 --> 00:14:36.018
Yeah, what does that look like when you do get that diagnosis, when you're sitting in the doctor's office?

00:14:36.018 --> 00:14:40.472
Because I have a huge history of breast cancer in my family and I've never dealt with it personally.

00:14:40.472 --> 00:14:48.572
But I am the same where I started getting mammograms when I was 35, because when my mom got it she was so young and so they say get it 10 years before.

00:14:48.572 --> 00:14:49.855
You know, blah, blah, blah.

00:14:49.855 --> 00:14:56.480
So I've been sitting in that doctor's office waiting for those results and I know what the wait feels like.

00:14:56.480 --> 00:15:00.917
But I can't even imagine what that feels like when they come in and they say you do have cancer.

00:15:00.917 --> 00:15:02.480
I mean, what was that like for you?

00:15:02.660 --> 00:15:22.298
So mine, was a phone call and I was on my weekly executive board team meeting when it happened on Zoom, and I was in this private small office and I got the call and I saw it coming in as I was literally speaking on my Zoom and I just took my laptop and closed it.

00:15:22.298 --> 00:15:30.707
And I knew, speaking on my Zoom, and I just took my laptop and closed it and I knew, and when I picked up the phone I walked around the building of my office and I was just listening to.

00:15:30.707 --> 00:15:40.682
Girl on Fire was the first song that came on and I just listened to it on repeat and I must have walked around that building a thousand times just in this sort of outer body experience.

00:15:40.682 --> 00:15:42.225
And so initially it was I wasn't going to let the cancer affect me.

00:15:42.225 --> 00:15:42.586
I wasn't going to.

00:15:42.586 --> 00:15:47.299
So initially it was I wasn't going to let the cancer affect me, I wasn't going to let it affect my job, it wasn't going to slow me down.

00:15:47.299 --> 00:16:01.076
This was just one more thing I was going to tackle and get over and through and all the things and truly that worked until I got a blood clot that actually almost killed me after my third round of chemo and my oncologist came into the office and said what is it going to take?

00:16:01.076 --> 00:16:08.033
You are literally killing yourself if you don't shift how you are living your life, and it was.

00:16:08.173 --> 00:16:09.860
I didn't want to let go of my career.

00:16:09.860 --> 00:16:11.837
I'd worked so hard to get to where I was.

00:16:11.837 --> 00:16:24.096
I didn't want to miss practice, I didn't want to miss, you know, vacations, and I didn't want to miss conferences, and I didn't want to miss meetings and all of this stuff in this life that I had built so perfectly for myself.

00:16:24.096 --> 00:16:27.259
All of a sudden, I couldn't keep up with it.

00:16:27.259 --> 00:16:33.625
I couldn't keep up with the very thing that I had dreamt of, and so that was a really just harsh reality.

00:16:33.644 --> 00:16:38.711
That hit me, you know, about halfway through chemo, and it forced me to just stop.

00:16:38.711 --> 00:16:42.053
I was, literally, I got the blood clot in my neck, in my jugular.

00:16:42.053 --> 00:17:07.980
Literally, I got the blood clot in my neck, in my jugular, and I tested positive for COVID as I was going into the OR to have an emergency surgery on my port, and that was when I was put into isolation, essentially in the hospital, for a week, and not being a movie watcher, not being an easily distracted human, I was forced to sit with myself in the reality.

00:17:07.980 --> 00:17:08.781
I was forced to learn how to meditate.

00:17:08.781 --> 00:17:14.944
I was forced to learn breath work because, purely for survival, I was going nuts in this four walls that not even the doctors could come visit me in Right.

00:17:14.944 --> 00:17:22.221
But that became the most massive gift because it shifted everything about how I lived my life that week.

00:17:22.622 --> 00:17:23.403
Isn't that crazy.

00:17:23.403 --> 00:17:37.963
You look back at something like that and you wouldn't change anything, obviously like, yes, it sucks, I hate that I've had to have breast cancer, but if you look at the things that came forward for you during that process, would you change?

00:17:38.003 --> 00:17:41.112
that I'm thankful for it every day, genuinely.

00:17:41.112 --> 00:17:47.241
I'm thankful for the cancer every day, because it did force me to see myself, hear myself.

00:17:47.241 --> 00:17:55.244
It forced me to really unlock what my core mission in this life is and really get down to my purpose.

00:17:55.244 --> 00:18:00.221
You know, I finished chemo in June, got a divorce in September, quit my job in December.

00:18:00.221 --> 00:18:08.094
By January I was in a full meltdown mode, freer than ever, but scared to death.

00:18:08.094 --> 00:18:10.539
At least the way I was living my life.

00:18:10.539 --> 00:18:14.696
Every project I picked up, every client I started working with, every meeting I went to.

00:18:14.696 --> 00:18:22.278
Everything I did every day was fulfilling and part of my mission or my purpose, even if I was struggling and scared.

00:18:22.278 --> 00:18:27.086
And part of my mission or my purpose, even if I was struggling and scared.

00:18:27.507 --> 00:18:28.368
I knew it was so right.

00:18:28.368 --> 00:18:31.633
Isn't that crazy?

00:18:31.633 --> 00:18:37.771
You think about all of the years that you go through life and you don't have anywhere near the stuff that you're talking about, right, chemo, a divorce, loss of a job, all of these things.

00:18:37.771 --> 00:18:45.788
These are huge, big events in life and you have big ones all smashed into just a few months.

00:18:45.788 --> 00:18:46.893
I mean, what does that even?

00:18:46.932 --> 00:18:51.971
look like it was a full, massive reset and honestly, an incredible identity crisis.

00:18:52.030 --> 00:18:53.032
Yeah, it was.

00:18:53.032 --> 00:18:55.378
Who am I outside of what I can do for others?

00:18:55.378 --> 00:18:56.320
Yes, it was.

00:18:56.320 --> 00:18:59.472
Who am I if I'm not this or that for this other person?

00:18:59.472 --> 00:19:00.335
It was why am I doing any of this?

00:19:00.335 --> 00:19:00.736
Yeah, it was.

00:19:00.736 --> 00:19:03.019
Why am I doing any of this?

00:19:03.019 --> 00:19:12.053
It was so many questions that we just assume answers to as we grow up or we set goals and then we just stick with it because we think that that's what we're supposed to do.

00:19:12.053 --> 00:19:18.419
That's commitment, that's right and, yes, it's bullshit, it is bullshit, it really is bullshit.

00:19:18.439 --> 00:19:21.049
It's like your vault your goals can change, you can evolve.

00:19:21.049 --> 00:19:28.622
How many people have come up to me or messaged me that have known me for 20 years, 30 years, that are like I feel like I don't know you anymore.

00:19:28.622 --> 00:19:31.917
I'm like you don't, yeah, right, but I'm here for you to get to know.

00:19:31.917 --> 00:19:35.211
Now you know, and I'm the better version, right, right.

00:19:35.211 --> 00:19:37.693
I mean, the version of me 10 years ago was great.

00:19:37.693 --> 00:19:39.355
Yeah, 20 years ago was great.

00:19:39.355 --> 00:19:40.798
It's just not who I am anymore.

00:19:40.817 --> 00:19:44.441
Yeah, yeah, how long were you married before you got the divorce?

00:19:44.441 --> 00:19:46.002
13 years, okay, wow.

00:19:46.663 --> 00:19:49.891
Yeah, and it shifted every relationship that way as well.

00:19:49.891 --> 00:19:56.896
I mean, what happened when I was going through treatment was again a lot of wise, you know, and really a lot of depth.

00:19:56.896 --> 00:20:05.962
So I think it exacerbated what didn't work in any relationship and every relationship I had, and it forced me to really reflect on that.

00:20:05.962 --> 00:20:15.580
And then time you know you mentioned time it's our most precious commodity, a gift, and I don't want to waste anyone else's time as much as I'm not going to waste my own.

00:20:16.112 --> 00:20:27.996
And I hit a really a revelation with my husband where I'm like I can't love him the way that he deserves to be loved, the way that he wants to be loved, the way that he deserves to be loved, the way that he wants to be loved, the way that he has expressed the need to be loved for 13 years.

00:20:27.996 --> 00:20:32.819
Right, if I can't provide that for him, why would I put him through this?

00:20:32.819 --> 00:20:33.540

00:20:33.540 --> 00:20:39.866
If he can't be what I am needing in this stage of my life, why would I put that expectation on him?

00:20:39.866 --> 00:20:40.346

00:20:40.346 --> 00:20:58.394
It's knowing the difference between obligation and expectation and really commitment, and to me that commitment is something that comes out from underneath and within us and not something that's obligated onto us or expected of us in some sort of existential way, right, right.

00:20:58.955 --> 00:21:02.871
Yeah, I think also the pressures from the outside of you know getting married and staying married and all of these things.

00:21:02.871 --> 00:21:13.377
I think also the pressures from the outside of you know getting married and staying married and all of these things, I think we put ourselves into situations where we don't really take a hard look and it may take a cancer diagnosis or something huge to happen in your life for you to really evaluate things.

00:21:13.377 --> 00:21:20.922
It sounds like, not only in your relationship with your husband but with other relationships in your circle of is this working for me?

00:21:20.922 --> 00:21:28.198
Because it does throw it right in your face how precious life is and how much of a gift it is, and live accordingly you know.

00:21:28.439 --> 00:21:29.701
Yeah, you definitely know.

00:21:29.701 --> 00:21:32.419
I mean you take a when your energy is depleted.

00:21:32.419 --> 00:21:39.377
It really does wake you up to what's working for you, because you don't have a lot of energy to waste.

00:21:39.377 --> 00:22:02.901
Yeah, and I really learned how much of my energy I was just leaking out of me to anything and everyone that just wanted something from me, and once I removed that, I found that I was so much more efficient and so much happier, well, and you can use that energy on things that matter to you instead of it just being not intentional, not being aware of it and just throwing that energy around.

00:22:02.961 --> 00:22:03.301
I have a.

00:22:03.301 --> 00:22:09.551
I have an analogy where I call energy Skittles because it quantifies it to me in a way that I can visualize it.

00:22:09.551 --> 00:22:25.541
You know, I got to this place where, eight years ago, I was at the bottom of you know, I was at kind of my point of just giving energy and shit to everybody that didn't necessarily deserve it and not really evaluating my relationships and all of those things, and I had to get very intentional about what am I?

00:22:25.541 --> 00:22:26.784
What the hell am I doing here?

00:22:26.784 --> 00:22:27.105
I was a.

00:22:27.105 --> 00:22:32.031
I was a young mom.

00:22:32.031 --> 00:22:37.371
I know that you were a young mom as well and I think when you do that, you kind of go into survival mode a little bit, where you're not figuring out who you are during that time.

00:22:37.371 --> 00:22:40.674
You know my, my late teens and my early twenties were not.

00:22:40.674 --> 00:22:43.778
Oh, let me, let me explore, let me be adventurous, let me.

00:22:43.778 --> 00:22:49.806
Whatever it was, I'm putting pampers on babies and making sure that I make enough money to keep formula in the kitchen.

00:22:50.550 --> 00:22:50.912
Oh for sure.

00:22:50.912 --> 00:22:54.662
I mean, those are totally different circumstances in life.

00:22:54.662 --> 00:22:55.992
It wouldn't change a single thing.

00:22:55.992 --> 00:22:59.300
But I definitely look at people who have a better idea of who they are.

00:22:59.300 --> 00:23:00.303
I had no idea.

00:23:00.303 --> 00:23:01.534
I had no idea.

00:23:01.534 --> 00:23:03.142
I had no idea In my 40s.

00:23:03.142 --> 00:23:04.247
It has been okay.

00:23:04.247 --> 00:23:13.519
Let's figure out who Ann is Because of you know, the things that have happened in my life that have now opened my eyes to things and made me realize all of those things that we were working for.

00:23:14.501 --> 00:23:16.151
I checked all those boxes, you know.

00:23:16.151 --> 00:23:19.234
I got to all that place and I realized none of the shit matters.

00:23:19.234 --> 00:23:25.022
You know, this big fancy house or this fancy car, like all of the shit, it's like none of this matters.

00:23:25.022 --> 00:23:26.684
And I've always been happy.

00:23:26.684 --> 00:23:32.872
Like you said, 10 years ago, I was a good person, you know, happy, all the things.

00:23:32.872 --> 00:23:34.692
It wasn't like I wasn't a good person and happy and all of the things.

00:23:34.692 --> 00:23:36.134
But I get to this point where none of that shit matters.

00:23:36.134 --> 00:23:37.435
Right, I want to take care of people.

00:23:37.435 --> 00:23:37.856
I want to.

00:23:37.856 --> 00:23:39.837
I want to share knowledge that I have.

00:23:39.837 --> 00:23:40.900
I want to help people.

00:23:40.900 --> 00:23:45.804
You know you're in a business where you help other women start businesses and do that.

00:23:45.804 --> 00:23:53.054
That's so empowering, like put a price on that how good that makes you feel.

00:23:53.074 --> 00:23:53.757
I mean it's, it's incredible.

00:23:53.757 --> 00:23:58.814
It makes me feel like all these different stages of life that I've had have really set me up for where I'm at right now, including being a young mom.

00:23:58.814 --> 00:23:59.996
You know, I was.

00:23:59.996 --> 00:24:15.487
I became a mother at 17 and there was so much that I learned in that quick little bit of time about you know what it meant to achieve and what it meant to, of course, survive, but really how to set goals, accomplish them, get after it, not quit.

00:24:15.487 --> 00:24:33.815
You know, pursue every day, getting after what it is that I wanted, but really like for me, it's that commitment to supporting myself, you know, and when I work with young women in business now, it's figuring out why it is that they're starting their business, you know.

00:24:33.815 --> 00:24:41.140
And then how to like set the foundation, how it is it, you know, as a young business owner, of all the times we're wearing so many hats.

00:24:41.922 --> 00:24:59.226
And so my first question with any leader, whether it's a brand new woman in business or an executive that is running a $200 million business, it's there are a lot of times wearing a lot of different hats, figuring out what is it that their superpower is, so that they isolate and they're only doing that thing and then delegating the rest.

00:24:59.226 --> 00:25:04.353
Yes, it's that proverb that delegate to elevate, you've got to delegate to elevate, you've got to delegate to elevate.

00:25:04.353 --> 00:25:06.038
So how do you do delegate?

00:25:06.038 --> 00:25:14.267
A lot of times we're delegating the tasks that are easiest to hire, as opposed to the tasks that we just don't want to do or that don't energize us.

00:25:14.267 --> 00:25:19.497
So the first thing that I have every client of mine do is take a tab.

00:25:19.497 --> 00:25:26.880
You know, over the course of the next month and every day at the end of the day, what energized you the most and what de-energized you the most.

00:25:26.880 --> 00:25:33.198
How can you delegate what de-energized you and how can you really own what energized?

00:25:33.218 --> 00:25:39.596
you yeah, well, and you have to make space too I didn't realize this until more recently of making space for the good stuff to come in.

00:25:39.596 --> 00:25:48.718
I just was thinking, okay, well, I'm just going to keep doing all of these things, and then every time I would do things where I'm making space for good stuff to come in, it would just come in and it's like that's magic.

00:25:48.718 --> 00:25:50.616
And it's not magic, but it is.

00:25:50.616 --> 00:25:55.402
You have to be willing to take that hard look and say, yes, sure, I can do everything.

00:25:55.402 --> 00:26:05.534
I can put on all of these hats, I can scramble like a lunatic and try to keep up with everything.

00:26:05.534 --> 00:26:10.346
Or, like you said, evaluating those things that do not energize you, because when you do bring that energy, other people you know thrive on that as well.

00:26:10.346 --> 00:26:12.875
That's where it's at figuring out what sparks you.

00:26:13.076 --> 00:26:35.498
So I've been an integrator for an within a business, for the entrepreneurial operating system, many, many times in so many different businesses, and what I have found is that, you know, when we are able to really hone in on our unique ability and really harness that within our business, we can grow and scale exponentially.

00:26:35.878 --> 00:26:39.894
We are literally unstoppable when we find a way to leverage our actual superpower.

00:26:39.894 --> 00:27:01.171
It's just connecting with what it is, and there are so many different tools you know that you can use in order to fine tune it, whether it's human design or wealth dynamics or EOS or strategic coach all these different programs that I've just had the luxury of experiencing throughout my corporate career that have allowed me to really connect with and harness that.

00:27:01.171 --> 00:27:13.798
If my superpower is in building networks and connections, because that's just what I love I love connecting with others, figuring out what they need out of you know in their business and then how to connect them with what it is that they're missing.

00:27:13.798 --> 00:27:29.502
But when you can really fine tune whatever that is, it's so empowering and invigorating Because now you have a purpose and now you have a value, and I find that that's the biggest crutch for so many women in business in all levels.

00:27:29.502 --> 00:27:36.839
It's really identifying what their value is and it's how they value themselves and then how people in their industry value them.

00:27:37.040 --> 00:27:41.441
Yeah, so you say your superpower is the networking and the connection.

00:27:41.441 --> 00:27:43.355
Am I reading that right?

00:27:43.355 --> 00:27:54.021
Okay, so when you're, were you doing that at all in your previous career, prior to your cancer diagnosis, or was that also something that you were doing then, or something that you're just now doing, after the fact?

00:27:54.150 --> 00:28:01.942
Yeah, I was a marketing executive for a legal advertising company, okay, and really my focus in marketing has always been through community outreach initiatives.

00:28:01.942 --> 00:28:09.803
Focus in marketing has always been through community outreach initiatives, so my heart strings are always attached to local businesses and local nonprofits that are serving the community.

00:28:09.803 --> 00:28:17.494
So I just found a way to connect ROI to those businesses and then how to make them part of an integrated marketing strategy.

00:28:17.494 --> 00:28:23.934
So for me, it's a way that we can grow and scale our businesses by connecting and collaborating with others.

00:28:24.095 --> 00:28:27.080
Yeah, yeah, oh, I love it so much, it's so excellent.

00:28:27.080 --> 00:28:38.101
I think if more women really plugged in and spent time figuring out more about themselves, what makes them tick and what is their superpower, I think it would blow people's minds because I feel the exact same way.

00:28:38.101 --> 00:28:44.000
I feel like I did things for so many different years that were like okay, this is the next thing and I just need to be doing this, which is fine.

00:28:44.000 --> 00:28:46.190
I can grit through anything that's you know.

00:28:46.190 --> 00:28:49.538
You get into fight mode and you just do Right.

00:28:49.538 --> 00:28:55.159
But when you do figure out what is your superpower, energy just flows and it comes off of you.

00:28:55.159 --> 00:28:57.770
Even when I met you, your energy is amazing.

00:28:57.770 --> 00:29:00.394
It's your, you're happy, you're doing what you, you know what you love.

00:29:00.394 --> 00:29:02.096
The rest of it falls into place.

00:29:02.397 --> 00:29:07.833
You know, when I first got divorced I wrote on my mirror I'm going to intentionally walk into my power.

00:29:07.833 --> 00:29:18.752
I had no idea what that even meant and at the time I thought walking into my power meant I was going to be this boss, bitch energy and go out into the world and I was going to dominate, build my empire, all the things.

00:29:18.752 --> 00:29:22.659
I had no idea that walking into my power actually meant walking into my softness.

00:29:22.659 --> 00:29:25.343
Yeah, it actually meant chill the fuck out.

00:29:25.383 --> 00:29:26.403
Exactly, exactly.

00:29:26.403 --> 00:29:27.085
Isn't that crazy?

00:29:27.486 --> 00:29:40.299
Yeah, it was just like, really, and harnessing the part of me that I didn't even know could be my main career, which is just connecting and collaborating and networking with other women in business.

00:29:40.299 --> 00:29:43.071
That now is my job.

00:29:43.071 --> 00:29:50.297
Right, that's what my business does and that's what I would do for free, any day or night of the week.

00:29:50.297 --> 00:29:56.211
Yeah, you know, because I meet somebody that's in business, I meet somebody that's doing something and I'm like, oh my gosh, you know who you've got to meet.

00:29:56.211 --> 00:30:04.451
Yes, and knowing that we're making those connections and it's empowering your mission, it's empowering her mission, everybody really does win.

00:30:04.451 --> 00:30:12.175
So if we can create more and more of these win-win, you know scenarios, yeah, and debunk the whole competitive women situation.

00:30:12.175 --> 00:30:15.492
Because, no, if we've learned a shortcut, we share it.

00:30:15.492 --> 00:30:18.047
If you have a connection, you connect it.

00:30:18.047 --> 00:30:21.194
If you have a network that would benefit somebody, you build it.

00:30:21.194 --> 00:30:22.365
It's just that's.

00:30:22.547 --> 00:30:30.799
That's our responsibility as women, as we've grow up and I think that's where my heart is with the younger women that are just building, because it's identifying.

00:30:30.799 --> 00:30:31.964
You know their brand.

00:30:31.964 --> 00:30:33.848
A lot of them are trying to figure out their brand.

00:30:33.848 --> 00:30:34.869
I'm like, no, you're it.

00:30:34.869 --> 00:30:44.769
Yeah, you just have to learn yourself and then your brand will constantly evolve as you do, yeah, and it doesn't have to be some sort of outside energy that you're imposing on yourself.

00:30:44.769 --> 00:30:46.675
It is who you already are.

00:30:46.675 --> 00:30:53.693
And then, once they really see that and then they put value attached to that, it's so magical to watch them grow.

00:30:53.693 --> 00:31:08.088
And then you take the seasoned professionals, the women that have been in business for a long time, and you give them an avenue or a capacity to give back to other professional women, you know, in a meaningful way that really does generate, you know, fulfillment for them as well.

00:31:08.088 --> 00:31:09.755
It's so powerful.

00:31:09.755 --> 00:31:15.595
So it's older executives connecting them to nonprofits and it's younger businesswomen and connecting them to mentors.

00:31:15.744 --> 00:31:17.209
Yeah, I think that whole.

00:31:17.209 --> 00:31:21.887
There's a concept that I've been thinking about for years of just like a, like a modern elder.

00:31:21.887 --> 00:31:26.597
You know we used to very much value, you know, our, our older people and I.

00:31:26.597 --> 00:31:31.865
I feel like we've gotten away from that so much and there's so much knowledge to be gained from that.

00:31:31.865 --> 00:31:34.792
So you connecting those people is just absolutely genius.

00:31:35.513 --> 00:31:51.718
And I find that the women that have been in business a long time, they are also used to a lot of things being imposed on them, and so one of the things that I that I like to do when I work with them individually is in their own inspiration, who are the younger versions of you and how can you support her?

00:31:52.265 --> 00:31:54.569
Because that's something that really means something to you.

00:31:54.569 --> 00:32:00.742
And so, instead of just pulling a name out of a hat of a nonprofit or a person that you're going to mentor, it's no.

00:32:00.742 --> 00:32:04.780
When is the first time that you really struggled and somebody showed up for you?

00:32:04.780 --> 00:32:07.971
What is the first time you really broke through that financial barrier?

00:32:07.971 --> 00:32:09.575
What is the you know first?

00:32:09.575 --> 00:32:16.838
You know networking event where you actually made a deal, finding the little places in their life where they pivoted.

00:32:16.838 --> 00:32:27.114
Then helping them serve that version of themselves is so powerful because they're connected, you know it's so meaningful, and then you show up for that all day long.

00:32:27.114 --> 00:32:33.296
Right, a lot of them are already donating to those organizations or doing something in some capacity.

00:32:33.296 --> 00:32:38.135
Right Now it's just connecting their career, you know, with that more intentionally.

00:32:39.147 --> 00:32:43.585
I love that so much and I love also what you said about taking out the competition.

00:32:43.585 --> 00:32:59.010
You know, I think so many women speak like we're women supporters, we this and that and whatever, and then somebody will walk out the door and they're judging and being gross and all of that stuff, and it's like I believe that that comes from a fear and an insecurity in that person.

00:32:59.010 --> 00:33:05.363
And I feel like, as women, we need to take a bigger look at that, because we are meant to support each other in a way that is meaningful.

00:33:05.363 --> 00:33:06.748
We are meant to lift each other up.

00:33:06.748 --> 00:33:08.953
We are not meant to be in competition in that way.

00:33:08.953 --> 00:33:25.305
And I feel like, even with all of the stuff that we have going on, you see all of the go women, all women, empowerment, all of these things but then you hear that other stuff behind the scenes that happens and it's just ladies.

00:33:25.305 --> 00:33:25.807
We are better than that.

00:33:25.807 --> 00:33:26.087
We are.

00:33:26.087 --> 00:33:28.737
We are supposed to lift each other up and not in a way that we're trying to kick each other down behind each other's backs.

00:33:28.757 --> 00:33:29.981
It's a really powerful mirror.

00:33:29.981 --> 00:33:32.550
You know my very dear girlfriend, sue Bryce.

00:33:32.550 --> 00:33:37.583
She runs a whole source of resources for women in business.

00:33:37.583 --> 00:33:39.788
She's a dear friend of mine, a mentor.

00:33:39.788 --> 00:33:41.211
She's been a client for a long time.

00:33:41.512 --> 00:33:45.554
She taught me the mirror effect and it really turned it on its head to me.

00:33:45.554 --> 00:33:50.775
And it was anytime that you see something in somebody else it's always a reflection of you.

00:33:50.775 --> 00:33:59.070
And she really called me out on it when I was first going through my divorce and I was just feeling all of those victimized feelings right, he's this, he's that.

00:33:59.070 --> 00:34:00.410
I can't believe this is happening.

00:34:00.410 --> 00:34:03.326
Blah, blah, blah, all of the things she's like.

00:34:03.326 --> 00:34:05.454
So she really turned it on its head.

00:34:05.454 --> 00:34:10.998
And if I was upset with him for the control, right, where was I being controlling?

00:34:10.998 --> 00:34:23.157
Or where was I giving my power away willingly Because it gave me whatever I needed in that time she really forced me to see what I was resenting in him, in me, so that I could fix it.

00:34:23.786 --> 00:34:26.755
And it's true in the case of women in competition as well.

00:34:26.755 --> 00:34:30.936
If you're jealous of somebody, that just means you want what they have, so go get it.

00:34:30.936 --> 00:34:36.657
If you're envious, that's just giving you a really good piece of information that that's something that you aspire for.

00:34:36.657 --> 00:34:38.990
Now you have a I want list Right Now.

00:34:38.990 --> 00:34:40.516
Go get it Right, right.

00:34:40.516 --> 00:34:42.391
There's no reason why.

00:34:42.391 --> 00:34:44.512
Turn that person into your mentor.

00:34:44.512 --> 00:34:49.335
Yeah, make that person your inspiration, not somebody that you're trying to tear down, because there's enough for all of us.

00:34:49.516 --> 00:34:55.813
Right, there is enough for all of us, and I think that that's a big concept that people need to kind of get their heads around, because we don't have to be this way.

00:34:55.813 --> 00:34:59.757
We can be supportive and amazing and all of the things.

00:34:59.757 --> 00:35:05.101
How do you deal with fear as you've gone through all of this right?

00:35:05.101 --> 00:35:10.570
Obviously the fear of cancer, but then the other side of that, of really just putting yourself out there.

00:35:10.570 --> 00:35:12.311
What does that look like Like?

00:35:12.311 --> 00:35:13.494
What is fear like for you?

00:35:13.514 --> 00:35:24.532
Fear to me really hit me in those months after I quit my job, when I started to really feel the reality of instability.

00:35:24.532 --> 00:35:26.878
And it was what have I done?

00:35:26.878 --> 00:35:33.438
And I felt like I was sitting in this desolate desert and I was in a really, really dark place.

00:35:33.438 --> 00:35:35.329
It was the first time I had ideations.

00:35:35.329 --> 00:35:45.358
It was the first time I was depressed, it was the first time I didn't want to get out of bed and I was just genuinely I was ready to give up in many ways.

00:35:45.358 --> 00:35:58.295
And I woke up one morning and I just thought if I have nothing to lose and I'm willing to die anyway, let's go for it.

00:35:58.295 --> 00:36:01.987
And I haven't turned back since.

00:36:01.987 --> 00:36:10.088
And I do remember that moment, especially in the hardest moments, and it's if I have nothing to lose, then let's go for it.

00:36:10.088 --> 00:36:11.893
Am I afraid of recurrence?

00:36:11.893 --> 00:36:16.197
Of course, but if I have nothing to lose, I may as well go for it.

00:36:16.197 --> 00:36:18.148
If it's going to come back, it's going to come back.

00:36:18.148 --> 00:36:29.333
But also a big piece of me has taken on to the healing, a big reason why all of my events, all of my retreats, all of the things that I host are centered around women's health and wellness.

00:36:29.333 --> 00:36:38.628
Because, truly, if we don't heal ourselves emotionally and psychologically, then that is going to increase our chance of recurrence.

00:36:38.628 --> 00:36:46.838
If we're creating stress in our body or we're letting it sit and manifest in resentment, you know that will only make the chances of recurrence higher.

00:36:46.838 --> 00:36:50.552
So it's really how do we take care of ourselves?

00:36:50.552 --> 00:36:52.199
How do we center ourselves?

00:36:52.199 --> 00:36:54.445
How do we find peace in moments that are really stressful?

00:36:54.445 --> 00:36:59.373
So in the book I talk about breathwork Powerful.

00:36:59.373 --> 00:37:03.099
The first step for getting out of fear is breathwork.

00:37:03.099 --> 00:37:06.650
Just access another level of consciousness in your own body.

00:37:06.650 --> 00:37:11.251
You don't need any money for it, you don't need anybody for it, you don't need any certain situation.

00:37:11.251 --> 00:37:13.565
You can be anywhere and you can just breathe.

00:37:13.565 --> 00:37:15.530
And the next piece is meditation.

00:37:15.530 --> 00:37:23.536
I started with guided meditations, like small 10-minute guided meditations, and then, when I was locked in the hospital for a week, meditated for a week.

00:37:23.536 --> 00:37:30.335
I meditated for a week and then I got into frequency music and really how that helped me channel the writing.

00:37:30.335 --> 00:37:33.172
That's when I started writing intentionally.

00:37:34.375 --> 00:37:39.186
Visualization Sometimes all you can do is create an alternate reality for yourself.

00:37:39.186 --> 00:37:40.992
What do you really want?

00:37:40.992 --> 00:37:43.300
Gets you excited about the future?

00:37:43.300 --> 00:37:47.130
You know, I realized that I had been in survival mode so long.

00:37:47.130 --> 00:37:49.514
I stopped thinking about becoming anything?

00:37:49.514 --> 00:37:55.592
Yeah, because I was not sure I had the time to become anything other than what I was in that moment.

00:37:55.592 --> 00:38:02.146
And so visualization gave me the capacity to be excited about something or a goal to move toward.

00:38:02.146 --> 00:38:04.835
That gave me a reason to make that first step.

00:38:05.425 --> 00:38:18.195
So, learning the visualization, or manifesting as everybody's calling it, but it really is just having a picture in your head of what you want, and I remember the first time that that really hit me is, I caught a glimpse of myself getting out of the shower.

00:38:18.195 --> 00:38:23.253
I was about halfway through chemo and I was swollen from the chemo and I had scars all over.

00:38:23.253 --> 00:39:06.056
I was bald, my eyes looked tired, I'd lost all my lashes, all the things, and I didn't recognize myself and I paused and it took my breath away in a lot of ways, and I walked closer to the mirror and, like you said earlier, that shell, I saw my soul, and for the first time I just couldn't stop looking and I felt this fierceness, like this lioness almost, and that raw, uncomfortable, ugly, tired woman that was staring back at me was actually so fierce and so strong and so determined and so like determined to to do something.

00:39:06.056 --> 00:39:13.878
You know that I realized the rest of me was a shell, so I had the capacity to fill her up with what and how, and with who.

00:39:14.746 --> 00:39:18.735
It's such a beautiful place when you get to that it's almost like a, it's a reckoning.

00:39:18.735 --> 00:39:32.068
It is it's almost like a low point, but in such a beautiful way, because when you were saying that just now, I have full body chills listening to you talk about that, because I don't think we realize how strong we really are until we're being called to do that.

00:39:32.068 --> 00:39:36.072
And when we do, it's just let's fucking go.

00:39:36.072 --> 00:39:42.755
You know, that's that's something in my soul that just comes out when I have this place of let's fucking go.

00:39:43.094 --> 00:40:06.581
You know we've got this, it doesn't matter, and it just lets everything else kind of fall away and and and we'll make it happen, whatever it is exactly, and it is that whole, you know, there's a balance, right of the like getting after it and knowing what we want, and then also of the like getting after it and knowing what we want, and then also the not killing ourselves to do it and be it right now or yesterday, you know, and to enjoy the journey.

00:40:07.101 --> 00:40:26.860
I also realized, and even in the last six months, I got so determined on building the business, building the nonprofit, selling the book, writing the next one, all the things that I'm like I'm not even enjoying this process anymore because I'm just putting all of these expectations of what it means to succeed or to achieve, even if my mission is still aligned and exactly what I want.

00:40:26.860 --> 00:40:38.119
How can I enjoy this process that I'm in right now a little more, you know, and that's really where I'm at now, and that's the surrendering, yes, that's the pausing, yeah.

00:40:38.119 --> 00:40:39.777
And that's still so determined because, yes, that's the pausing yeah.

00:40:39.777 --> 00:40:45.664
And and that's still so determined because you have to actually be so connected to your power in order to surrender.

00:40:46.150 --> 00:40:46.250

00:40:46.250 --> 00:40:47.313
It's crazy.

00:40:47.313 --> 00:40:48.536
When do you feel like?

00:40:48.536 --> 00:40:49.880
What was your first surrender?

00:40:49.880 --> 00:40:53.693
Do you remember when that, when that kicked for you, it was in the hospital.

00:40:53.693 --> 00:40:57.019
Yeah, for sure it was when I got the blood clot and it was.

00:40:57.099 --> 00:41:15.755
I was so scared and I had just lost a girlfriend to a blood clot six months before I got my blood clot and she was in a surgery and when I went into that OR and uh, I just I just remember that feeling that this was it, I thought I was going to die in that surgery.

00:41:15.755 --> 00:41:22.914
I was convinced, and when I didn't, it was like okay, but it almost felt good to accept death.

00:41:22.914 --> 00:41:23.456

00:41:24.179 --> 00:41:25.786
Yes, I know exactly what you're talking.

00:41:25.786 --> 00:41:34.673
I know exactly what you're talking about Because to me that's part of the surrender is, I got very unafraid of everything because it just doesn't matter.

00:41:34.673 --> 00:41:54.646
When you realize that it's not about you, that it's, you know just this beautiful cosmic fabric, you know that ties us all together and it changed my perspective entirely as far as just being of service and in service to the people around me and really surrendering and saying to the big guy put me wherever you want me to be.

00:41:54.646 --> 00:41:59.442
You know like waking up in the morning and saying put me wherever I'm supposed to be today to be of the biggest service.

00:41:59.442 --> 00:42:02.284
Wow, exactly what you know, like waking up in the morning and saying, put me wherever I'm supposed to be today to be of the biggest service.

00:42:02.304 --> 00:42:07.407
Wow, exactly, and honestly, surrendering to death is the same thing as surrendering to failure, because so often we'd rather die than fail.

00:42:07.467 --> 00:42:56.672
Yeah, and I think that when we do that and we really come to that place where we are willing to fail yes where we're just throwing it to the wind, or if it's a failure, it's maybe a, you know, a redirection, yeah, and if it's a redirection, then that means there's something else that's better for you in line, yes, and, and that's so true, and I think what you said about just being part of that general being, when we realize that we're all interconnected and that was it for me, it was I'm not building my network yeah, my goal is to connect all of our networks, right, so every single woman who has a community or has a network I want to connect with, because that collaboration makes our individual missions so much more powerful Every single woman that comes into her door or my door means that she's now supported, right, and that's the goal it's in.

00:42:56.672 --> 00:43:01.456
Now her mission is supported, yeah, and it's constantly elevating each other.

00:43:01.456 --> 00:43:06.635
Together, we really do elevate and even though that is such a you know, cliche, it's true.

00:43:06.655 --> 00:43:10.896
It's so true, and when you're part of that and you realize that it just it feels like magic.

00:43:10.896 --> 00:43:11.719
It really does.

00:43:12.101 --> 00:43:14.891
And those relationships are no longer strategic or opportunities.

00:43:14.891 --> 00:43:16.411
Yes, now they're connections.

00:43:16.411 --> 00:43:18.675
Yes, and that it's a whole different game changer.

00:43:18.695 --> 00:43:20.376
Yes, now they're connections, and that is a game changer.

00:43:20.376 --> 00:43:21.657
It's a whole different vibe.

00:43:21.657 --> 00:43:25.340
You know, before for me it was all about me.

00:43:25.340 --> 00:43:28.905
You know, the ego was on.

00:43:29.344 --> 00:43:30.967
I think, especially as a young mom.

00:43:30.967 --> 00:43:44.695
Yeah, because as a young mom, I remember I was told well, now I was told at 17, when I was pregnant well, being pretty isn't going to be good enough now, because you have baggage, so you better get yourself an education.

00:43:44.695 --> 00:43:51.862
Yeah, okay, I mean, I heard that, but now that meant I've got to overachieve in order to be valuable.

00:43:51.862 --> 00:43:59.023
That now my value is tied to my productivity or the fancy, expensive pieces of paper I put on my wall.

00:43:59.023 --> 00:44:05.784
Yeah, right, no, like my value was intrinsic, whether or not I had responsibilities or not.

00:44:05.784 --> 00:44:10.096
It's just, at 17 years old I didn't have any connection to that intrinsic value.

00:44:10.157 --> 00:44:10.797
Yeah, At all.

00:44:10.797 --> 00:44:30.217
It's crazy to me look at young moms specifically and kind of look around and I see the evolution of that and it makes me so happy to watch women that are in our forties or later in life, after we kind of get kiddos a little bit raised up and whatever, where we realize some shit about ourselves shit that.

00:44:30.217 --> 00:44:31.501
I didn't have time to figure out.

00:44:31.989 --> 00:44:42.980
Oh my gosh, my 23 year old daughter is so wise it's beautiful, you know, and so much of my healing has been me apologizing to her Like, hey, sorry about that, sorry's beautiful, you know, and so much of my healing has been me apologizing to her like hey, sorry about that, sorry about that, sorry about that.

00:44:43.340 --> 00:44:44.262
And she's like mom.

00:44:44.262 --> 00:45:01.731
Come on, you know she studied psychology in college and I'm like you know that's the most amazing thing that you did was you spent your college career healing and that gave us both the platform and the environment to heal so that I could own and apologize for the things that I did.

00:45:01.731 --> 00:45:13.121
She could process and evolve out of what happened, you know, to her and to us as she grew up, because you know she's my first pancake and you always burn the first pancake a little.

00:45:13.550 --> 00:45:19.896
I love that you say that, because I swear to God, my first pancake and I are in the weeds right now because she's dealing with some stuff.

00:45:19.896 --> 00:45:23.260
She came on the podcast and it brought up a lot of stuff.

00:45:23.260 --> 00:45:33.019
You know, I, since getting sober, have been very open with her about my shortcomings for things, because I was a baby when they sent me home, as you were too.

00:45:33.019 --> 00:45:35.844
You're leaving from the hospital and here's this thing You're going to.

00:45:35.864 --> 00:45:36.869
Let me leave with this thing Exactly.

00:45:36.869 --> 00:45:37.903
I'm like are you crazy?

00:45:37.903 --> 00:45:38.291
Like, and here's this thing.

00:45:38.268 --> 00:45:38.487
Good luck.

00:45:38.487 --> 00:45:39.067
You're going to let me leave with this.

00:45:39.067 --> 00:45:39.514
Exactly, I'm like are you crazy?

00:45:39.514 --> 00:45:40.181
Like this is a terrible plan.

00:45:40.181 --> 00:45:40.574
You trust me?

00:45:40.574 --> 00:45:48.445
Exactly, we're not setting ourselves up for success at all, you know, and so you know, having her be the first pancake is a.

00:45:48.445 --> 00:45:49.108
I love that.

00:45:49.108 --> 00:45:52.632
You said that because that's exactly what I feel like and I apologize to her all the time, you know.

00:45:52.632 --> 00:45:57.818
But but there is so to both of us in her being able to heal.

00:45:57.818 --> 00:46:03.945
She's just in the thick of it because at that podcast it brought up a lot of shit and it was like baby girl, I'm sorry.

00:46:03.945 --> 00:46:05.867
I'm here to be part of your journey.

00:46:05.867 --> 00:46:12.130
I also understand if you need space, but there's a lot of healing to go around because I messed mine up.

00:46:12.449 --> 00:46:16.621
That's so many accolades to you, though, and to us, for owning those things.

00:46:16.621 --> 00:46:24.713
I have one of my best friends growing up she, you know into us for owning those things.

00:46:24.713 --> 00:46:25.617
I have one of my best friends growing up.

00:46:25.617 --> 00:46:28.284
She has a really tumultuous relationship with her mother, frankly, because her mother, as an adult, still can't apologize.

00:46:28.284 --> 00:46:29.268
She's still justifying why she made the choices.

00:46:29.268 --> 00:46:30.170
There's no need to do any of that.

00:46:30.170 --> 00:46:32.717
That's the ego that's trying to justify the mistakes.

00:46:32.717 --> 00:46:35.603
Listen again the first pancake.

00:46:35.603 --> 00:46:38.418
You always are going to make mistakes, and you've got to make just enough.

00:46:38.458 --> 00:46:57.615
Enough mistakes to make them funny yeah right, at least you give them a little depth and a little personality yeah, but it's owning that, yeah, and and being able to look at them in the eyes and just say I'm sorry without a but, I'm not, I'm sorry, but I did it because I'm not I'm sorry because you know any of those things, it's just I'm sorry, I love you so much and that's you know.

00:46:57.655 --> 00:47:09.438
I'm so glad that you said that about your friend and her mom, because I think that's the response that a lot of parents give and I don't know if they realize that they're not going to get docked on, you know, for taking accountability for something.

00:47:09.438 --> 00:47:17.315
I have a friend whose mom died a couple years ago and she told me she says you are giving your daughter such a gift by taking accountability because my mom never did.

00:47:17.315 --> 00:47:22.096
And again, like being able to take accountability and say you deserved better.

00:47:22.096 --> 00:47:23.675
I know that you deserved better.

00:47:23.675 --> 00:47:31.755
And she can tell me and cry and scream and tell me about her piece of it and I don't have to do a rebuttal to anything or explain anything.

00:47:31.755 --> 00:47:32.893
Just hold space for her.

00:47:33.255 --> 00:47:34.179
That's her story.

00:47:34.179 --> 00:47:44.070
You know that was something for her where she went back to her bio dad and, you know, wanted to have this whole conversation and I told her before she did don't have, don't go into it with expectations.

00:47:44.070 --> 00:47:45.434
But he did the exact same thing.

00:47:45.434 --> 00:47:52.056
It wasn't like that and you know, trying to, oh, give explanations and stuff, I'm like you, stupid son of a bitch.

00:47:52.056 --> 00:47:56.213
Just just acknowledge her pain in that situation.

00:47:56.213 --> 00:47:59.340
Hold space for her and understand that's her trauma.

00:47:59.340 --> 00:48:04.240
That's not you, don't your perspective as an adult who was drinking and blah blah, blah, blah blah.

00:48:04.240 --> 00:48:06.735
You weren't paying attention to what her story is.

00:48:06.735 --> 00:48:07.597
She was a child.

00:48:07.597 --> 00:48:08.338
That's hers.

00:48:08.739 --> 00:48:10.112
You go ahead and just hold space for her.

00:48:10.112 --> 00:48:16.416
It's so true, but people can only meet you where they've met themselves right, and that's the that's just the reality.00:48:16.456 --> 00:48:26.690

My old, my daughter, also connected with her biological father a few years ago and you know she just thought that maybe it would be different if they met and it wasn't.00:48:26.690 --> 00:48:36.039

But he's never had to think outside of himself, you know, he hasn't had more children, he hasn't had the perspective shift, so it doesn't exist.00:48:36.039 --> 00:48:38.813

And so it's not about her at all, it's about him.00:48:38.813 --> 00:48:46.157

And so there was a piece almost that comes in that and just letting it go, because again it's back to what we were talking about earlier with the expectations.00:48:46.157 --> 00:48:57.697

You can put the expectations on him that this is what a father is supposed to be, but it doesn't mean that it is and it doesn't mean that he has the capacity or even the willingness or the perspective to show up that way, you know.00:48:57.697 --> 00:49:09.527

And so because of that, the willingness or the perspective to show up that way you know, and so because of that, you then have a choice on whether or not to boundary it and let it go and release it and, you know, move along in your life and then to then you can start healing.00:49:09.567 --> 00:49:17.094

To me, once you've accepted the holes where the holes exist in your heart, then you know where you can heal and that's the most empowering thing.00:49:17.094 --> 00:49:22.733

It's's, you know, that's the priceless gift that we have in the healing.00:49:22.733 --> 00:49:42.711

And it's tough because we now we're hearing a lot about sitting in your shadows and facing your fears and maybe you're not needing to dig them out, yeah, but as they present themselves when you're finding yourself getting upset, when you're finding yourself adding the I'm sorry, but yeah, now you now have a trigger to yourself to say okay, warning flag, I need to deal with this.00:49:42.733 --> 00:49:45.360

Yeah, and get curious about where that's coming from Exactly.00:49:45.360 --> 00:49:50.311

That's the biggest piece of it, I think, and that's in this work and in this podcast and the things that we talk about.00:49:50.311 --> 00:49:53.820

If something triggers you in life, get curious about it.00:49:53.820 --> 00:50:04.228

Don't just say, oh, you can't say that word, or I don't like that color, or you know, I don't, I don't deal with blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.00:50:04.228 --> 00:50:05.253

Get curious about where that came from.00:50:05.253 --> 00:50:08.612

And again, you don't have to always have the answers for stuff, but being willing to release the shit that came, that caused the trigger in the first place.00:50:08.612 --> 00:50:09.333

What do you want?00:50:09.333 --> 00:50:10.257

To wait until you're 80?00:50:10.297 --> 00:50:21.277

And then you've just got like this whole boatload of triggers that you pull behind.00:50:21.277 --> 00:50:33.507

You know shopping in order to feel valuable, or you're gambling in order to get excited, or whatever it is that you're engaging and you start to get obsessive about those behaviors because what's hiding behind them becomes bigger and bigger.00:50:33.507 --> 00:50:36.139

And so to me that's exactly the same thing.00:50:36.139 --> 00:50:39.597

I mean, I was drinking a ton, especially even at the end of chemo.00:50:40.137 --> 00:50:49.981

I was in this tumultuous, just hurricane of emotions, processing the trauma of going through my treatment and not wanting to face the fact that I didn't want my old life back.00:50:49.981 --> 00:51:00.074

And everybody around me was waiting for Mel to come back right, come back to her job, come back to her family, come back to her relationships, come back to her normal, vibrant, fun-loving self.00:51:00.074 --> 00:51:05.079

And I felt so disconnected from that woman that was diagnosed with cancer.00:51:05.079 --> 00:51:10.905

I was scared to death to go back to anything, but I didn't know how to communicate that.00:51:10.905 --> 00:51:26.079

And so then I was drinking and I was just traveling and I was doing anything I could to distract myself from seeing what was right in front of me, and that was that the old me was gone and I didn't know who the new me was becoming.00:51:26.079 --> 00:51:28.978

But I had to figure it out, yeah.00:51:30.693 --> 00:51:31.835

That's a big leap of fear.00:51:31.835 --> 00:51:36.115

You know, over fear and in faith, to say I don't want that back.00:51:36.115 --> 00:51:44.538

You know, I'm going to go forward and I think if people were braver in doing those kind of big steps, they would be so incredibly happy.00:51:44.538 --> 00:51:47.159

I've never been happier than just saying, like screw it.00:51:47.159 --> 00:51:52.315

I put my hands up in the air and say I'm here, Like I'm not, it's not about me, I don't have control over anything.00:51:52.315 --> 00:51:57.518

I spent so many, so much of my life thinking, okay, I'm going to control this, I'm going to control that, I have control over everything.00:51:57.518 --> 00:51:59.081

And I look back and I just laugh.00:51:59.081 --> 00:52:00.083

I just laugh.00:52:00.083 --> 00:52:01.445

I didn't have control over anything.00:52:02.771 --> 00:52:03.994

You never do, you never do.00:52:04.155 --> 00:52:10.298

And so it's like, it's almost like you know, once you have that realization of whatever's supposed to happen is going to happen.00:52:10.298 --> 00:52:11.302

Yeah, it's liberating.00:52:11.342 --> 00:52:12.210

It is liberating.00:52:12.351 --> 00:52:18.963

You know the, the not being afraid of dying, the not being afraid of what's what's going to happen, the, you know, not being afraid of failure.00:52:18.963 --> 00:52:23.018

Do you find that the young women that you work with have a big fear of failure?00:52:23.458 --> 00:52:24.280

Yes, for sure.00:52:24.300 --> 00:52:25.001

I mean it's.00:52:25.001 --> 00:52:41.884

I get a lot of ex-corporates in my network of people that have left their career jobs and now are going and building their side hustles into actual businesses and just don't know how to necessarily make that shift and they don't want to face the embarrassment to the people that they used to work with.00:52:41.884 --> 00:52:48.905

You know, that are used to a very linear path to success, that that maybe they're going to show up differently.00:52:48.905 --> 00:52:54.510

You know maybe the business that they left their career job to build doesn't work, maybe it becomes something different.00:52:54.510 --> 00:53:02.101

But not having a linear path into growing a business, I think is the most challenging thing for so many of the women to accept.00:53:02.141 --> 00:53:03.965

Yeah, yeah, swing for the fences.00:53:03.965 --> 00:53:07.516

Ladies, swing for the fences, I mean, failure is part of it.00:53:07.769 --> 00:53:09.054

And don't get so caught up in.00:53:09.054 --> 00:53:12.380

You know the name on your, the title on your LinkedIn.00:53:12.380 --> 00:53:14.956

You know the, the way that you introduce yourself.00:53:14.956 --> 00:53:21.362

You know the most empowering thing that you can do is finding that identity within yourself.00:53:21.362 --> 00:53:22.250

Who are you and what brings you joy?00:53:22.250 --> 00:53:34.222

At any of my events, at my supper club, at my retreats, at any of the things that I host, I instead challenge the women, instead of coming to the table with who I am and what do I do.00:53:34.222 --> 00:53:37.458

It's who am I and why do I do it?00:53:37.458 --> 00:53:50.639

Because it eradicates the boundaries of what type of business we're in and it shifts our perspective from okay, this is a relationship that now becomes an opportunity because they're in the same line of business, or maybe a competition because they're in the same line of business.00:53:50.639 --> 00:53:57.364

And instead it's I host events and build a network for women to connect their whys.00:53:57.364 --> 00:54:01.172

And if that's the case, then the collaboration is intrinsic.00:54:01.172 --> 00:54:03.896

It's it's if our whys are aligned.00:54:03.896 --> 00:54:10.159

Now we can be friends because fundamentally we share such a common, you know, purpose.00:54:10.219 --> 00:54:18.451

Yeah, it's incredible to me that you say that, because I think just even taking that like that barrier down a little bit helps women be more vulnerable with each other.00:54:18.451 --> 00:54:21.557

And I think the vulnerability, especially in women, because I think we're so.00:54:21.557 --> 00:54:30.335

We're so like pitted against each other in society for all sorts of different reasons and so taking kind of that barrier down and leading with vulnerability.00:54:30.335 --> 00:54:33.670

Never once been disappointed, never once been disappointed.00:54:34.030 --> 00:54:42.697

I have seen women connect at a supper, where it was a high-level executive connecting with a woman just starting out in a holistic healing business.00:54:42.697 --> 00:54:46.547

Connected immediately, having no idea what they did for a living.00:54:46.547 --> 00:54:48.376

Love it All because of their why?00:54:48.376 --> 00:54:57.400

Now holistic healer conducting business within the corporate business and now corporate leader is now mentoring a young woman in business.00:54:57.400 --> 00:54:58.391

Oh, I love it so much.00:54:58.391 --> 00:54:59.594

It's magical.00:54:59.594 --> 00:55:07.699

What could happen when we just eradicate the strategy behind opportunity and instead we leverage connection.00:55:07.909 --> 00:55:11.088

Yeah, it's huge, Super powerful yeah.00:55:11.168 --> 00:55:11.389

I love it.00:55:11.550 --> 00:55:14.219

Well, Mel, thank you so much for taking time to come speak with me today.00:55:14.219 --> 00:55:15.916

I could speak with you for another 10 hours.00:55:15.969 --> 00:55:19.438

I mean thank you for having me yeah this has been absolutely excellent.00:55:22.670 --> 00:55:23.030

It's been great.00:55:23.030 --> 00:55:29.572

Thank you so much, absolutely, and thank you for bringing awareness to the whole, to the whole concept of cancer, and not just, not just cancer, but survivorship.00:55:29.572 --> 00:55:30.838

Yeah, you know there's.00:55:30.838 --> 00:55:41.844

It's so easy for us to spend so much time and energy on the patient, but there is a whole host of needs that comes to the woman after she's done with cancer.00:55:41.844 --> 00:55:50.963

Right, there's so much of what that's when she really needs support, yeah, and that's when she really needs that connection and collaboration and inspiration.00:55:50.963 --> 00:55:53.115

So I really appreciate you mentioning that.00:55:53.115 --> 00:55:53.958

Yeah, no doubt.00:55:54.139 --> 00:55:54.521

No doubt.00:55:54.521 --> 00:56:00.057

So yeah, may I suggest this week treat life like a gift.00:56:00.057 --> 00:56:01.802

You know, life is a gift.00:56:01.802 --> 00:56:02.744

Time is a gift Act.00:56:02.744 --> 00:56:06.719

Accordingly, if you have questions or suggestions, send us an email.00:56:06.719 --> 00:56:10.981

Our email address is ladies at letsgetnakedpodcastcom.00:56:10.981 --> 00:56:13.418

Please do all the things to support the podcast.00:56:13.418 --> 00:56:16.358

Follow, share, rate, review and we'll catch you next time.00:56:16.358 --> 00:56:17.181

That's a wrap.00:56:17.181 --> 00:56:28.853

You, and we'll catch you next time that's a wrap.00:56:28.853 --> 00:56:29.735

I'd love to help you get vulnerable.00:56:29.735 --> 00:56:30.056

Let's get naked.

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